Biosphere Rangers
The Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region is the only alpine UNESCO biosphere reserve in Germany and boasts a unique natural and cultural landscape that delights both locals and guests. It is home to typical species of animals and plants of alpine and pre-alpine habitats that can only be found here. Among them are also species threatened with extinction.
Two biosphere rangers and an online communications project worker have been carrying out educational work both on site and on various social media channels since the fall of 2021. This is to protect ecological diversity despite the increasing number of visitors.

One of the central duties of the biosphere rangers is to look after designated protected areas outside the national park, such as FFH (flora-fauna-habitat) areas or landscape conservation areas. During regular field visits, events and guided tours, visitors are informed about the habitats worthy of protection and sensitized to the need for nondisturbing behavior in nature. This also raises awareness of the district’s UNESCO designation as a biosphere reserve. The rangers’ tasks also include participating in specific projects for the protection of species, mediating in the event of conflicts, and volunteering to help with the maintenance of alpine pastures.
The online communication project member deals specifically with digital visitor guidance, which has rapidly increased in importance in recent years. Well-prepared information published on websites or social media channels can raise awareness of the importance of nature-conserving behavior among recreation-seekers in advance and provide targeted information about hiking and mountain biking. The focus here is particularly on the development of the relevant infrastructure and thus the improved current and future usability for visitor guidance.

Hiking with a ranger
Our biosphere rangers regularly offer guided hikes and excursions for all ages. More information can be found at the event site.
The three ranger positions will be funded under the REACT-EU funding program from 2021 to 2023.
With REACT-EU (“Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe”), the European Union aims to soften the economic and social consequences of the Covid19 pandemic in Europe. Around 2.3 billion euros are available for Germany to support measures under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF)..