Conceptual Framework
Signpost for the next ten years
The UNESCO Award as an encompassing structure for sustainability issues
Sustainability is a society-wide responsibility and covers all areas of work and life. The conceptual framework for the Biosphere Region therefore contains goals and measures that serve the preservation and development of nature and landscape as well as the natural foundations of life. It also takes into account social and regional economic aspects. Three major fields of action were defined to make the purpose of the Biosphere Region understandable and tangible. These fields summarize the most important dimensions:
- The field of action “Nature and landscape” focuses on the preservation and development of the cultural landscape, but also includes traditional forms of nature conservation, landscape planning and management.
- The field of action ” Sustainable Living and Business Practices” describes everyday activities that are important for preserving an intact environment and an intact society, thus ensuring the future viability of the region.
- The field of action “Raising awareness” deals with generating knowledge, communicating it in a practical way, and informing people about sustainable development. They should not only be enabled to think and act sustainably, but also be enthusiastic to do so.
Many actors in the Berchtesgadener Land are already committed to sustainable development of their region. Of the numerous projects and project ideas, some are listed in the conceptual framework as key projects which are considered to be highly effective for several objectives of the three fields of action. The UNESCO designation offers all actors in the Berchtesgadener Land the opportunity to use it as a seal of quality and a unique selling point.
Fields of Action

Nature and Landscape
Sustainable Living and Business Practices