Research and Monitoring

Health and Recreation - Green Care
Wild and cultivated
In order to preserve a genetic diversity in the region, numerous projects of the Administration Office deal with the preservation of old varieties and endangered cultivated species. In the course of these projects, questions repeatedly arise that are of importance for practical implementation: for example, the possibilities of propagating arable wild herbs were investigated in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich and the Bavarian Cultivated Land Foundation, meadow seeds were examined by the Raumberg-Gumpenstein Research Station for their detailed composition and germination capacity. Questions such as the baking properties of old cereal varieties also play an important role.

Research in the National Park
Further Research
The Biosphere Region is repeatedly used as a study area for third-party research projects and regularly participates in federal research and development projects. Third-party research projects include the INTERREG projects “AlpES – Alpine Ecosystem Services” (2015-2018) on alpine ecosystem services and “OpenSpaceAlps” (2019-2022), which deals with the sustainable development of alpine open spaces.