
Mission statement: Sustainable travel
Working group for sustainable hosts

Biosphere Breakfast
Active during vacation
Whether young or old, in great shape or simply well on foot, on vacation, in your free time, as a company event or on a school trip – volunteering for a good cause is a special, shared experience. On request, we organize different volunteering opportunities suitable for the respective target group. During the assignments, the participants experience first-hand how important their commitment is for the preservation of biodiversity and the cultural landscape in the region, and how the biosphere philosophy of sustainable development also affects everyday life.

Biosphere experience
Developing a cross-border vision for tourism with a region-specific plan of action together with the Lungau Biosphere Park was the goal of the Interreg small-scale project “Experience the Biosphere – New Ways to a Sustainable Tourism Destination”. Both regions lack the right marketing and appropriate offers that make the idea and philosophy behind the biosphere visible and tangible. New ways of a sustainable orientation of the tourism and leisure industry in both biosphere reserves should preserve the natural and cultural area and at the same time strengthen tourism and the local economy.

Your contact person
Barbara Graßl
Sustainable Tourism and Regional Development