Sponsoring Association
Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land e.V.
In the sponsoring association of the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region, the municipalities of the district and user associations have joined forces. One of the central functions of the association is the adoption of project sponsorships. The chairman of the association is the district administrator of the Berchtesgadener Land district.
The sponsoring association Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land e.V. is composed of representatives of the district, of the 15 municipalities, sponsors of public concerns, associations and other social groups such as agriculture, forestry or business. It is dedicated both materially and ideally to the protection, preservation and development of the natural resources, to a sustainable and environmentally sound development and to the preservation of the regional identity. To fulfill this purpose, the association initiates, promotes, supports and coordinates various activities to safeguard and strengthen the local economy and environmentally friendly tourism, as well as the production and marketing of typical regional products, the preservation and promotion of rural structures and the promotion of modern agriculture and forestry, landscape conservation, environmental education and local history. In addition, the association carries out its own public relations work.
- Gemeinde Schneizlreuth
- Gemeinde Schönau a. Königssee
- Gemeinde Teisendorf
- Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land
- Verein zur Förderung bäuerlicher Strukturen
- Bezirksalmbauernschaft Berchtesgaden
- Solidargemeinschaft Berchtesgadener Land e.V.
- Bayerischer Bauernverband
- Bund Naturschutz – Kreisgruppe Berchtesgaden
- Landesbund für Vogelschutz Berchtesgadener Land
- IHK-Gremium Berchtesgadener Land
- Verband landwirtschaftliche Fachbildung
- Landesjagdverband Bayern, Kreisgruppe BGL
- Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR, Forstbetrieb Berchtesgaden
- Anbietergemeinschaft Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof Rupertiwinkel - Berchtesgaden
- Direktvermarkter zwischen Watzmann und Waginger See e.V.
- Landschaftspflegeverband Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land e.V.
- Berchtesgadener Land Wirtschaftsservice GmbH
Trägerverein Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land e.V.
Salzburger Str. 64
83435 Bad Reichenhall
Managing director:
Mr. Stefan Neiber
Tel. +49 (0) 8651 773-519