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Your Contact Persons

The team of the administrative office

The Administrative Office of the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region is located in Freilassing. It is a branch office of the Government of Upper Bavaria and reports to Department 5 Environment, Health and Consumer Protection of the Government of Upper Bavaria.

Portrait Dr. Peter Loreth

Dr. Peter Loreth

Head of the administrative office

Portrait Bernadette Kneis

Bernadette Kneis

Deputy Manager, public relations and Sustainable regional development

Portrait Karin Heinrich

Karin Heinrich

Sustainable regional development, agriculture and public relations

Portrait Florian Mädler

Florian Mädler

Online communication and public relations

Portrait Marie-Theres Detmer

Marie-Theres Detmer

Sustainable regional development

Portrait Barbara Graßl

Barbara Graßl

Sustainable Tourism and Regional Development

Portrait Meike Krebs-Fehrmann

Meike Krebs-Fehrmann

Education for sustainable development
Green Care – Nature & Health

Portrait Susanne Lehnart

Susanne Lehnart

Education for sustainable development – National Park and Biosphere Schools

Portrait Svenja Hirsch

Svenja Hirsch

Education for sustainable development – National Park and Biosphere Schools

Portrait Theresa Billinger

Theresa Billinger

Education for sustainable development – National Park and Biosphere Schools

Portrait Cora Gärtner

Cora Gärtner

Green Care – Nature & Health

Portrait Sabine Pinterits

Sabine Pinterits

Landscape ecology and biodiversity

How to find us

Verwaltungsstelle der Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land
Außenstelle der Regierung von Oberbayern

Sägewerkstr. 3
83395 Freilassing

Telefon: +49 (0) 8654 30946-10

Mail: info@brbgl.de

Logo Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land mit Verlinkung zur Startseite

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