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The Berchtesgadener Land is a well-known tourist destination with a unique natural and cultural landscape, a long tradition of tourism and famous highlights such as the Watzmann or the Königssee as well as regional delicacies and insider tips. With over 6 million day visitors and more than 3.5 million overnight stays annually, the region enjoys lasting popularity. However, it also has to increasingly deal with the negative effects such as increasing individual traffic, overtourism or overcrowding at some hotspots as well as conflicts of use. This is where the Biosphere Region comes in. Together with actors, hosts, tourism associations and information, guests and restaurateurs, a sustainable tourism development should be implemented in the region.
Blick über die Schiffsanlegestelle am Königssee zum Untersberg

Mission statement: Sustainable travel

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, 2005) defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of present and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of guests, industry, the environment as well as local people.” What does this mean specifically for our region?

Working group for sustainable hosts

Tourism connects. There are numerous actors in the region who are involved in tourism development and who have a direct connection to nature and sustainable tourism. We are convinced that our region can only face a future if we work together to find sustainable solutions. In the working group “sustainable hosts” there is regular exchange about upcoming projects and new ideas. New members are very welcome. If you are interested, please contact Lena Maly-Wischhof.
Gruppenfoto der Gastgeber mit Biosphären-Frühstück
Herzhaftes Biosphären-Frühstück auf einem Tisch

Biosphere Breakfast

The Biosphere Breakfast represents real regionality on one’s plate through the cooperation of businesses in the hospitality industry, traditional food crafts and agriculture. In this way, local restaurant owners, hoteliers and pension operators strengthen sustainable and regional value chains with the support of the Biosphere Region Administration Office. They take responsibility for preserving and further developing this unique region.

Active during vacation

Whether young or old, in great shape or simply well on foot, on vacation, in your free time, as a company event or on a school trip – volunteering for a good cause is a special, shared experience. On request, we organize different volunteering opportunities suitable for the respective target group. During the assignments, the participants experience first-hand how important their commitment is for the preservation of biodiversity and the cultural landscape in the region, and how the biosphere philosophy of sustainable development also affects everyday life.

Teilnehmerin beim Almschwenden auf der Lattenbergalm
Blick über gemähte Wiesen auf die Siedlung mit Kirche am Ulrichshögl

Biosphere experience

Developing a cross-border vision for tourism with a region-specific plan of action together with the Lungau Biosphere Park was the goal of the Interreg small-scale project “Experience the Biosphere – New Ways to a Sustainable Tourism Destination”. Both regions lack the right marketing and appropriate offers that make the idea and philosophy behind the biosphere visible and tangible. New ways of a sustainable orientation of the tourism and leisure industry in both biosphere reserves should preserve the natural and cultural area and at the same time strengthen tourism and the local economy.

Portrait Barbara Graßl

Your contact person

Barbara Graßl

Sustainable Tourism and Regional Development

Logo Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land mit Verlinkung zur Startseite

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