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Education for Sustainable Development

Thinking and acting together for the future

Educational approaches for sustainable development, as we practice them in the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region, follow the principle of ‘thinking and acting together in a sustainable way’. We help people to understand the effects of their own actions to enable them to meet responsible, sustainable decisions for themselves and together with others. We bring educational approaches for sustainable development into all areas of learning and everyday life. In doing so, we address ecological, social and economic as well as cultural issues. With mind, heart and hands we want to discover, understand and create the world together. The educational activities of the administrative office of the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region provide opportunities for sustainable actions that are close to everyday life. Through holistic experiential learning, even complex relationships become tangible. A participatory approach is particularly important to us.
Gruppenbild mit Schülern und Lehrern bei der Auszeichnung des Rottmayr-Gymnasiums Laufen als Partnerschule

National Park and Biosphere Schools

In cooperation with the Berchtesgaden National Park, the partnership with schools in the district is to be strengthened. Thus, a project to establish long-term cooperation with 8 pilot schools was initiated. Both education for sustainable development and nature and wilderness education are to find their way into the schools at a high level of quality. The goal is – after successful evaluation – to award the first national park and biosphere schools in the second school term 2024.

Cool Kids for Great Climate

Theo the polar bear explains why the greenhouse effect makes life on earth possible, robot Joule takes us into the world of energy and stork Karina shows us the consequences of climate change and mobility. In an interactive way, this traveling exhibition for children of elementary school age makes the complex topic of climate protection a tangible and easy-to-understand experience.
Gruppenfoto Coole Kids für Prima Klima
Imker mit Bienenwabe in der Hand

School for Life

Gain insights into beekeeping, stand at the anvil of a blacksmith, work with local types of wood, feed animals on a farm, work together with gardeners and put your hands in the soil, learn about different types of grain in a mill, weave and felt, make juice from fruit and taste it, or take a look behind the scenes at a sustainable hotel. All this and a lot more is offered by businesses participating in the “School for Life – in the Workshop, Kitchen and Nature” program for schools and other groups.

Did you know?

In 2015, 193 member states of the United Nations adopted 17 goals to advance sustainable development. These are to be achieved by 2030. They are intended to promote sustainability worldwide at economic, social and ecological levels. They aim to make the world a fairer, healthier and more peaceful place. These goals are an important basis for the educational work of the Biosphere Administration Office. Each and everyone can work towards a sustainable world.
Menschen in Aktion beim Infomodul des Klimaladens

Climate Store

How does my lifestyle affect the climate? How climate-friendly is the purchase of my jeans? How much energy do I consume when streaming a movie and how does eco-friendly transportation work? In a compact traveling exhibition, young people aged ten and older can explore these and other topics. The exhibition combines playful aspects with in-depth knowledge, digital media and practical tasks.

Materials for schools

Are you looking for suggestions on topics related to the environment and nature for school lessons? The Biosphere Administration Office provides various materials for downloading or borrowing for school lessons. These include materials for identifying animals and plants, on the Ainring Moor, and a large collection of teaching materials on various animals , such as the chicken, bees, or wolves and dogs. In addition, a compact, comprehensive KlimaKiste can be borrowed to use in the classroom.
Schulkinder im Sitzkreis während einer Bildungsveranstaltung
Biosphären-Ranger mit Schulkind


An excursion to observe bats, listen to the buzzing of insects on the alpine pastures or follow the tracks of animals in winter, climb high up in the mountains together with the Biosphere Rangers, or explore the Biosphere Region by bike. The Biosphere Region Administration Office offers a varied, exciting and eventful program of events: Specialized events for teachers, training for building yard employees, special events for school classes and excursions or lectures for farmers.

Seal of Quality "Umweltbildung Bayern“ (Environmental Education Bavaria)

To strengthen education for sustainable development (ESD) in Bavaria, the quality seal “Umweltbildung Bayern“ (Environmental Education Bavaria) was established in 2006. This ensures a high standard of quality in extracurricular educational work. The quality seal is awarded to non-profit institutions, freelancers and networks.

The Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region has carried the “Umweltbildung Bayern“ quality seal without interruption since 2011. This recognizes the educational work of the Biosphere Region for its high-quality work in the sense of ESD. Within the framework of the quality seal, the educational work is evaluated annually. Every three years, recertification must be applied for and approved via a extensive application for renewal.

Teilnehmerinnen beim Workshop zum Thema Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

More about ESD and our educational approaches

One’s own actions have a direct or indirect impact on the environment and surroundings every day, even if one is often not aware of it. In order to deal responsibly with this influence, it is important to gain an understanding of regional and global interrelationships. This enables people to make conscious decisions about their own actions so that they do not harm the environment, themselves or other people, neither now nor in the future. High-quality educational offers are important instruments to raise awareness and to show concrete possibilities for action.