Education for Sustainable Development
Thinking and acting together for the future

National Park and Biosphere Schools
Cool Kids for Great Climate

School for Life
Did you know?

Climate Store
Materials for schools

Seal of Quality "Umweltbildung Bayern“ (Environmental Education Bavaria)
To strengthen education for sustainable development (ESD) in Bavaria, the quality seal “Umweltbildung Bayern“ (Environmental Education Bavaria) was established in 2006. This ensures a high standard of quality in extracurricular educational work. The quality seal is awarded to non-profit institutions, freelancers and networks.
The Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region has carried the “Umweltbildung Bayern“ quality seal without interruption since 2011. This recognizes the educational work of the Biosphere Region for its high-quality work in the sense of ESD. Within the framework of the quality seal, the educational work is evaluated annually. Every three years, recertification must be applied for and approved via a extensive application for renewal.