Cool Kids for Great Climate
Theo the polar bear explains why the greenhouse effect makes life on earth possible, robot Joule takes us into the world of energy and stork Karina shows us the consequences of climate change and mobility. In an interactive way, this traveling exhibition for children of elementary school age makes the complex topic of climate protection a tangible and easy-to-understand experience.
The touring exhibition offers children at elementary schools the opportunity to learn about climate protection in a playful yet technically based way and to discover it through interactive stations that are close to everyday life. The topics cover everything from the greenhouse effect and climate change to mobility, fossil and renewable energy sources, nutrition and the importance of the rainforest. Children learn about their possibilities for shaping a climate-friendly lifestyle. Schools and interested clubs in the EuRegio Salzburg – Berchtesgadener Land – Traunstein can borrow the exhibition free of charge.
The touring exhibition was designed and tailored especially to children’s needs by Meike Krebs-Fehrmann, former managing director of CreNatur – Institute for Nature Experience Education, Martina Mitterer, director of the nature pavilion Übersee and the graphic design studio Christa Tauser. The funding was provided by the EU program Interreg V A Austria / Bavaria 2014-2020 (EU funding: € 18,562.50). The Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region worked as an advisor in the conception and organization of the project, together with the districts of Traunstein and Berchtesgadener Land, the Regional Association Salzburg Lake District and the Climate Alliance Salzburg.
The exhibition won the Energy Globe Austria in the category “Youth”.
For more information on the exhibition and for the booking, please visit and