Certified Biosphere Products
Regionally and sustainably produced
Agriculture in the Berchtesgadener Land produces high-quality raw materials. They are the basis for premium products in the food sector and are increasingly in demand from the regional food trade, food retailers and the hospitality industry. These closed value chains are fundamental for the award “Biosphere Product Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region” granted by the Biosphere Region Administration Office.
Biosphere Beer
Beer was one of the first products to receive an award for biosphere products. Biosphere beer stands for the finest brewing culture, regional value chains and sustainability. Currently, biosphere beer is brewed by one company: The private brewery M.C. Wieninger carries six types of beer with the biosphere product label. To guarantee the availability of regional barley for these beers, the brewery founded a producer group for organic barley together with the Biosphere Region Administration Office. The participating farms receive a purchase guarantee for their harvest at fair prices.
Biosphere Eggs
Biosphere eggs come exclusively from free-range hens. The animals have more access to open air and green space than required by law. In addition, the energy supply of the mobile chicken coops is covered by using photovoltaics. Currently, Biosphere eggs are produced by the family farms Biohof Kamml and Berger Hartlhof. With a lot of responsibility and commitment to animal welfare, regional origin of feed and biodiversity, the two farms are making an important contribution to the local supply with high-quality staple foods for the population.
Biosphere Ice Cream
Ice cream is also one of the first products to receive an award for Biosphere products. Biosphere ice cream represents the traditional gelatiere craft, which works entirely without additives, such as artificial stabilizers. Of course, 100% of the milk based ingredients come from the Berchtesgadener Land region. Currently, biosphere ice cream is produced by Gelateria Rizzardini in Laufen. In his biosphere ice cream recipe, gelater Luca Rizzardini uses honey instead of sugar, which he buys from beekeepers in the immediate neighborhood, and edible blossoms of wild herbs from the fields of the biosphere region.
Biosphere Korn Schnapps
The basis for this spiritous biosphere product is grain from the biosphere region. Currently, biosphere korn schnapps is produced by the Grassl gentian distillery. The basic ingredient for the fine distillate is the old wheat variety “Berchtesgadener Vogel”. Already almost extinct, this local variety was successfully cultivated in the Biosphere Grain Garden and even approved as a conservation variety. Two organic farms ensure raw material security through contract farming. The mash required for distillation is produced from “Berchtesgadener Vogel” by the brewery M.C. Wieninger and then delivered to the Grassl Gentian Distillery, where it is refined into schnapps.
Biosphere Products from orchards
The orchard meadows in the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region are among the most valuable areas in the region in terms of biodiversity, sustainable agriculture and traditional cultural landscape. This makes it all the more important to valorize their crops. The economic profit achieved contributes decisively to the preservation of the meadow orchards. Currently, one company processes orchard fruit into biosphere products. With nine types of certified juices and wines, the Greimel press house offers a wide range of biosphere products. These products are mainly based on apples, pears and quinces harvested from meadow orchards. However, various berry fruits from the region, such as chokeberry or elderberry, are also processed.
Biosphären-Obst und -Beeren in Bio-Qualität
Neben den Streuobstwiesen in der Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land gibt es auch biozertifizierte Obstbau-Flächen. In Bezug auf die Artenvielfalt stehen diese Mischkulturen den Streuobstwiesen im Berchtesgadener Land um nichts nach. Aktuell ist die Brennerei Stadler der einzige Betrieb in diesem Bereich mit einem Biosphären-Produkt-Angebot. Der Betrieb kultiviert über 40 Apfelsorten, mehr als 5 Birnensorten, Quitten, Sauer- und Süßkirschen, Walnüsse, Zwetschgen, Schlehen, Heidel-, Brom-, Johannis-, Aronia- und Vogelbeeren sowie Rhabarber. Ein Großteil der erzeugten Ernte wird von der Kelterei Stadler zu Biosphären-Getränken in Bio-Qualität verarbeitet.
Biosphären-Saft und -Secco
Grundlage für diese Biosphären-Produkte in Bio-Qualität ist die Ernte der bio-zertifizierten Mischkulturen der Brennerei Stadler. Sie wird von der Kelterei Stadler zu hochwertigen Biosphären-Säften und Biosphären-Secco veredelt. Die Verarbeitung des Bio-Obstes und der Bio-Beeren aus der Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land erfolgt im Biosphärenreservat Julische Alpen. Damit findet im kleinen Rahmen auch eine Biosphärenregion-übergreifende Wertschöpfung statt.
Gemäß den Richtlinien für Biosphären-Produkte, deren Einhaltung von unabhängigen Kontrolldienstleistern geprüft wird, können Produktionsschritte in Ausnahmefällen auch außerhalb der Biosphärenregion Berchtesgadener Land stattfinden.
Biosphere Bread
Biosphere bread is a true piece of artisan baking culture from the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Region. The grain is grown by local farmers and mostly milled by mills in the region. The flour goes directly to the bakeries or is delivered via the regional BÄKO distribution cooperative. The baked goods made from it are created entirely using traditional, artisanal methods that do not require any artificial additives. Currently, seven bakeries offer biosphere bread as part of the “Berchtesgadener Land Brot” campaign. The bread is based on old grain varieties, such as the Laufener Landweizen (wheat) or the Steiners Rote Tiroler Dinkel (spelt).